Aylestone Health Centre

Medical Record Information

View a summary of your medical record

This is an online service offered to patients in our practice and is different to the Summary Care Record information detailed below. 

With an online account you can view a summary of your medical record online.

Please get in touch with our reception staff to create an account to access online services.


Detailed Coded Record

The Patient Online programme includes offering patients access to their detailed coded records online. However there are exceptions to this. GP practices will have a policy in place and ask you to apply for access to your detailed coded record and the practice will carry out some checks before granting access.

A detailed coded record can contain information, such as;

  • demographics
  • equality and diversity
  • allergies/adverse reactions
  • results (numerical values and normal range)
  • immunisations
  • Medication (dose, quantity and last issued date)
  • Other codes; diagnoses, referrals made and procedures – medical or surgical 

This varies and tends to be dependent on the clinical system used by your practice.

For more information visit the The NHS Website GP online services web page where you can find links to related leaflets.

Your NHS Number

Your NHS Number – Your healthcare, your record, your number

Everyone registered with the NHS in England and Wales has their own unique number. Your NHS Number helps healthcare staff to find your health records.

Keep a record of your NHS Number safe.

You may have an old medical card, with the old-style NHS Number made up of both letters and numbers. This is replaced, for all patients, by a new NHS Number made up entirely of numbers (in a 3-3-4 format). You will need proof of ID (such as a driving licence or passport) to retrieve your NHS Number from us. Please ask at reception

Summary Care Records

Summary Care Records (SCRs)

The NHS is changing how patient information is stored and shared in England, to provide better care for patients. SCRs provide healthcare staff treating patients in an emergency or out-of-hours with faster access to key clinical information.

The Summary Care Record is a copy of key information from your GP record. It provides authorised healthcare staff with faster, secure access to essential information about you when you need unplanned care or when your GP practice is closed.

Summary Care Records improve the safety and quality of your care.

Read more about SCR on NHS Digital and sharing your records on NHS Choices.